The Diabolic by S.J. Kincaid What does it mean to be human? S. J. Kincaid tackles that question with this trilogy. Humanity has perfected Artiffical Intelligence centuries ago, back when the elites of society moved to space, some making a home on small astroids and other living on the emperors enormous space ship. With advance technology, advance security is needed to protect vulnerable human beings, so a creature called Diabolic's, are created. These beings are man-made, but they look like humans, only they have superhuman strength and speed, and they are bought and programed to protect one person. The protagonist is a diabolic by the name of Nemesis, and she's programed to protect the daughter of a lesser noble of the empire. The daughter is called to do business on the emperors ship, however, the nobles knew of the emperors cruelness and that if they sent their daughter, they probably would never see her again, so they used ...