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The Love Interest

The Love Interest 

by Cale Dietrich

    It's be loved or be killed in this stand alone novel from Cale Dietrich.

This is one book I picked up on a whim (meaning the cover looked interesting. It is what it is), and I am so glad I did! It was one of the most unique novels I've read in a long time. 

It's a realistic fiction, slightly dystopian, young adult twisted romance. 

This world is set up exactly like ours, only there are academy's that mold young men and women into the perfect matches for important people in the 'real' world (I'll refer to them as VIP's). These academy's determine successful people who are most likely to change the world for the better, given the chance and the right support system from their romantic partner. 

Therefore, they build the perfect match for them. These matches that are created are called "Love Interests', and they're sent out into the world of the VIP they were created for. Since people are unpredictable to a certain level, multiple love interests compete for the love of the one VIP. Once the VIP declares their love for one of the love interest's, the other is killed by the academy. 

The story is told from a male love interests point of view. At these academies, all sorts of 'types' are generated, meaning they create bad boys, nerds, sport jocks, and the goody-two-shoes. All these boys are trained to look, act, and live their assigned personas. The protagonist is a goody-two-shoes, perfect all-American, ripped farmer boy, and the story starts with his assignment as a possible love interest to a female VIP. 

He's given a brief overview of her, and she is a very smart high school student, both of  her parents are doctors and she's expected to make huge breakthroughs in advancing medicine later in her life. 

He's then moved to her town at the start of the school year, he's given fake parents from the academy (failed love interests that were not killed pose as his parents) and he sees the other love interest that is fighting for girls affection. 

The competing love interest is the bad-boy type, and he does it very well. The race for her love begins.

The main character and the second love interest dance around each other at first, not interacting but both making moves, being coached by a relationship adviser from the academy that is sent out to watch and see whom the VIP chooses so they can dispose of the failed love interest. 

After the girl wants a break from both of them to be able to decide, the boys develop a type of friendship, each regretting that they have to compete to the death. After a lifetime of being told who to be, they find freedom and support in each other. 

Can they escape the grasp of the academy? Can they live for themselves and choose who to love? Read this book to find out! 

I loved this book so much and it really got me thinking about relationships, as in, when you see two people who really don't seem like it would make sense between them, like the beautiful girl and the nerdy boy, or the jock dating the STEM girl, its just such an interesting way of looking at relationships! I would beware of that beautiful someone that moves into your town and you and them seem to click instantly, maybe you're the VIP and they're your assigned Love Interest. 

This was such a fast-paced read and honestly I wish it was longer. My favorite part of this story was everything, I cannot recommend it enough. 



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