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The Obsession

The Obsession

By Jesse Q. Sutanto

    I picked up this book recently and I am so glad I did! It was a roller coaster and I could never really guess what was going to happen next.

Sutanto created this story around two main characters Delilah and Logan who meet at a private high school, each with a dark past. 

Logan lost the love of his life the year before, sending him spiraling while Deliah dealt with an abusive step-father at home. 

But nothing is what it seems from the outside.

I loved reading from Logan's point of view, Sutanto captured the thoughts of someone in a manic state. His thoughts were fast, and never quite finished before another started. And they were all about Delilah. We saw him try to slow himself down in the beginning of the story, to control himself and to stalk her, but soon he is sneaking into her house and planting himself in her life. 

When Delilah isn’t sure about him, he threatens to expose a certain video that could end her life as she knew it.

Delilah isn’t the innocent victim in this story, her crime just isn’t stalking and manipulating. Hers was murder and drug dealing.

I liked the direction Sutanto took this story in, the characters were real enough and changed as the plot developed I was shocked at the ending. I really enjoyed the suspense and fast pace of everything. 


    I do think that Sutanto missed an opportunity. Once Delilah is revealed to be the school drug dealer, I was excited to see what Logan would do once he found out, because Logans Ex died to her drug addition and caused him a mental breakdown after her death, just the year before. I think it would have been fun to have Logan discover that Delilah was the one responsible for supplying the drugs. I think that would have added another layer to the plot, instead of Delilah just murdering Logan while he was drugged and still saw her as a perfect being. I don't think he would have found her so charming after knowing she is responsible for the death of someone he loved. 

I think he would start to view her as dangerous to her own health, thus he could have planned someway to kill her and reasoned himself into thinking it was the best thing to do for her.

I just think it would have been an interesting way to take the plot and make the story a little bit longer.

It felt like the perfect October read, would highly recommend. 



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